Today at Kells Counselling we are honouring World Suicide Prevention Day. If you or a loved one is struggling, please know that you are not alone. Check in with each other, reach out, and stay safe. If you need help please contact: Edmonton Distress Line: 780 482 HELP (4357) Access 24/7: 780 …
Tips and Tools
Conflict Resolution
Conflict is a normal part of any relationship, and research shows that what happens in the aftermath can determine whether conflicts become exacerbated or become successfully addressed. Therefore, conflict resolution skills are key to a successful relationship. In the following video, Alanna …
Choosing a Therapist
Choosing a therapist is a lot like finding the right pair of shoes. If you're thinking about going to therapy, registered provisional psychologist Tessa Lawlor, says to "just try it out." She often compares the search for the right psychologist to the search for the right pair of shoes. She says, …
Self-Care is…
Prioritizing your mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional needs, so you have energy to care for others. Self-care is an important part of daily life that should be planned and mindfully acknowledged. It is more than having a bubble bath or going to the spa; there are so many ways to take …
Are you having an anxious year?
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) research shows that Canadians are experiencing intensified feelings of stress and anxiety as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Anxiety is normal; it’s your body’s natural response to stress. For instance, if you’re starting a new job or meeting someone …